A record of the stained glass

A record of the stained glass windows at Holy Trinity Church Sunningdale

The East Window
By Sir John Ninian Comper

At the top - Christ in glory flanked by angels
Below - Saint Helena, the Virgin and Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Dedication - Dedicated to the loving memory of Helen Elizabeth by her husband Hugo Cunliffe-Owen Baronet of Sunningdale Park 1935


The Millenium Window
By David Wasley MA FMGP

The signs and the seasons - Genesis 1: 14
Commissioned for the Millenium and installed in 2013



The Lady Chapel

At the top - Jesus surrounded by children

Below - the 4 gospel writers Matthew, Mark, Luke and John with their symbols above them of a divine man, winged lion, winged ox and eagle

Also 2 small decorative windows on left overlooking the vestry roof.


Creche Room/North Transcept

Small window:
I will arise and go to my father.

By Heaton, Butler and Bayne
Left - the calling of Samuel (1912) - I will raise me a faithful priest.

Dedication: In loving memory of the Rev Charles Dent who departed this life Easter Day 1912 erected by his children.

Right - the victory of the Israelites at Rephaim Exodus 17:8-16 (1905)

Dedication: To the glory of God and in memory of Marion Dent who died 22 Nov 1905 Montagu Charles Dent who died 28 June 1900


Music Room/South Transcept

By Burlison and Grylls, 1888
The risen Christ with the Virgin Mary and Saint John.

I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore. My soul doth magnify the Lord. Mary the mother of Jesus. The disciple who Jesus loved. Master where abides thou?

Dedication: To the glory of God and in loving memory of John Aloes Arbuthnot and Mary his wife by his children.

(side window)
Jarius’s Daughter
Dedication: In memory of our dear child Ella Ophelia Flint 1863


South Aisle

By Burlison and Grylls, 1896
The Transfiguration

This is my beloved Son hear him.
Jesus Lord it is good for us to be here. If thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and Elijah.

Dedication: To the glory of God and in loving memory of Lucy Mary wife of John Adams Cree, Vicar of this Parish, who entered rest June 3rd 1896.



South Aisle

By Clayton and Bell, 1899
The Agony in the Garden, Jesus and Veronica, the Entombment and Noli Me Tangere (touch me not)

Dedication under 2 lancets on the left: To the glory of God and in memory of Colonel and Lady Laura Meyrick. This window is dedicated by their daughter Arabelle Hay 1899.

Dedication under 2 lancets on the right: To the glory of God and in memory of Harry 4th Duke of Cleveland KG. This window is dedicated by his grateful nephews and nieces 1899.



South Aisle

By Charles Eamer Kempe, 1892
Nativity with Angels

Dedication on a brass plaque under the window: In honour of God Incarnate and in memory of Frances Anne Hardinge born at Sough Malling Sussex March 6th 1819 and died at Deal Sept 15th 1891, a devoted worker in this parish among Christ’s little ones and his poor. And of Emma Augusta Hardinge her sister born at Woolwich May 14th 1840 and died in London Jan 24th 1892.


South Aisle (beside porch)

By Burlison and Grylls, 1899
Simeon - Mine eyes have seen thy salvation.

Dedication: To the glory of God and in memory of Joseph Finch for fifty eight years clerk to this church



The Annunciation

Dedication on wooden plaque in porch:  To the glory of God and in memory of Maude Hay Drummond this window has been transferred from the London Mothers Home, Sunningdale by her friend Ursula Buckley June 11th 1951.

Footnote: It is believed the window originally came from St Agnes Mission church (described in some places as the daughter church of Holy Trinity) which was a corrugated iron building on Halfpenny Lane until it was demolished around 1985. St Agnes had been used as the base for the London Mother’s Home before this moved to Drummond House, Chobham Road.

Pictures below show St Agnes and the window in situ in the chapel.


West Window

By Clayton and Bell 1899

At the bottom scenes from the Annunciation, Nativity, Presentation and Adoration of the Magi with saints above: SS Peter, John, Stephen and Paul.

At the top Mary and Joseph.

Dedication on blue plaque below window: To the glory of God and in unfailing memory of our beloved Mother Arabella Augusta Hay called to rest April 7th 1899 this window is dedicated by her devoted children.



West End

The dove descending. (Top)

Paul preaching in Athens (left). Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him declare unto you.

Dedication: In memory of Samuel Wilberforce Bishop who died July 19th 1872. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of Peace and bring glad tidings of good things.

Jesus and Mary, Martha’s sister (right) But one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.

Dedication: To the glory of God and in loving memory Emma Gibbons who died 18 July 1883.


North Aisle

By Clayton and Bell, 1902
Dorcas and Martha

Dedication on both windows: To the glory of God and sacred to the memory of Hannah Knight called to rest April 29th 1902.



North Aisle

Jesus with little children and kneeling angel above.

No dedication


North Aisle

By Clayton and Bell, 1899

The Resurrection.
He is not here for he is risen as he said.
Now is Christ risen from the dead.

Dedication : To the glory of God and in loving memory of Arabella Augusta wife of Charles Wolsey Hay who entered into rest April 7th 1899.



The Makers

Sir John Ninian Comper (10 June 1864 – 22 December 1960) was a Scottish-born architect, one of the last Gothic Revival architects. His work almost entirely comprising restoration and embellishment of churches, ecclesiatical furnishings, stained glass and vestments. 

Clayton and Bell founded in 1853, was one of the most prolific and proficient British workshops of stained glass windows during the latter half of the 19th century and early 20th century.

Heaton, Butler and Bayne were an English firm who produced stained glass windows from 1862 to 1953.

Burlison and Grylls an English company producing stained glass windows from 1868 onwards. The founders trained in the studios of Clayton and Bell.

Charles Eamer Kempe (29 June 1837 – 29 April 1907) a Victorian era designer and prolific manufacturer of stained glass. He studied with William Morris.

David Wasley (1949- ) is an artist and maker of coloured windows and an elected Fellow of The British Society of Master Glass Painters. 


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